Thursday, May 26, 2011

Summer has begun.....

Hey Guys! Summer has begun. I have been so ready for summer this year. We spent Monday and Tuesday of this week at the beach. On Tuesday Timmy took a friend so that was a lot of fun.

Timmy was picked to be on the All star team at Lynn Haven. My first reaction was no, not my baby! But once I thought about it he will have a blast and this is a once in a life time thing. The coach is harder than I would like but I guess I need to get used to it. He doesn't cuse at them.Timmy has a tournament the 11th and 12th and in Pensacola or Gulf Breeze on the 24th and 25th of June.

Everything else is good too. I clean our house on Wednesdays and my Mom's on Thursday. So we will go to the beach or Frank Brown Park on Fridays. Our cousin and her son and husband are coming in June. So that should be fun! Well I'm sure I will post again soon! Have a great day!